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How to start selling on Kajabi? A simple guide to marketing, funnels and test purchases

How to start selling on Kajabi? A simple guide to marketing, funnels and test purchases

Before you dive into marketing your products and services on Kajabi, it's essential to ensure your marketing settings are optimized for success. Learn how to optimize your marketing contact address, upload your company logo, customize email settings, and configure email sequence defaults. 

Configuring Marketing Settings

Marketing settings serve as the backbone of your promotional efforts on Kajabi. Before you start creating email campaigns and other marketing content, it's essential to complete this initial setup.

Customizing Your Marketing Contact Address: Your marketing contact address is displayed in the footers of your emails to comply with international spam laws and build trust with your audience.Ensure it reflects your business identity and is readily accessible to your audience. Here's how you can customize it to reflect your business identity:

  1. Open the Settings tab from your Kajabi Dashboard.
  2. Click on Marketing Settings.
  3. Locate the Marketing Contact Address section and complete all applicable fields with your business contact information.

Uploading Your Company Logo: Incorporating your company logo into your marketing emails adds a professional touch and reinforces brand recognition. Follow these steps to upload your logo:

  1. Navigate to the Marketing Settings section from the Dashboard.
  2. Find the Company Logo option and select Image.
  3. Choose to upload a new file or select a recent file to upload your logo.

Customizing Email Settings: Personalize your email communications by customizing the "From Name", "From Email", and "Reply-to" email address.These settings allow you to establish a direct and engaging connection with your audience, increasing the likelihood of conversions. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Open the Settings tab from the Dashboard.
  2. Select Marketing Settings.
  3. Customize the "From" information according to your preferences.

Configuring Email Sequence Defaults: Streamline your email marketing efforts by configuring default settings for your email sequences.From time zone preferences to scheduling automatic emails, these defaults ensure consistency and efficiency in your marketing campaigns. Here's how you can set the default time zone for sending automatic emails:

  1. Open the Settings tab from the Dashboard.
  2. Select Marketing Settings.
  3. Scroll down to the Email Sequence Defaults section and choose your preferred time zone from the dropdown menus.

Now you've set the stage for impactful communication and engagement with your audience, paving the way for business growth and success.

If you haven’t given Kajabi a try yet, I’ve got something special just for you. Instead of the regular 14-day free trial, you can enjoy an extended 30-day trial by using my affiliate link, By signing up through my link, you'll also receive my exclusive Kajabi Kickstart course as a gift from me. When you continue using Kajabi as a paying user through my link, email me your receipt and I’ll book a 1:1 strategy success session to help you scale your business while using Kajabi. Sign up now at, you may find the link in the description.


Pick a Funnel Template & Preview

Now that you've configured your marketing settings, it's time to explore building your sales funnels on Kajabi to drive conversions and sales. In this chapter, I'll guide you through selecting your first funnel template and previewing its components.

What is a Funnel?

Imagine a roadmap that guides your audience from initial awareness to final conversion—that's precisely what a funnel does.A funnel serves as an automated sales tool that guides potential customers through the purchasing process. In the context of Kajabi, funnels string or connect together landing pages, email campaigns, and offers, funnels streamline the customer journey and maximize your marketing efforts' effectiveness.

Whether you're promoting a digital product, an online course, or a membership, there's a funnel template tailored to your needs. For example, in the Simple Sales Page Funnel, customers start their journey on a sales page and proceed to the offer checkout page to make a purchase.


Selecting a Funnel Template

Once you've created and packaged your product, you're ready to market it effectively. Kajabi offers a variety of funnel templates to streamline your marketing efforts. Let's explore how you can select your first funnel template:

  1. Navigate to the Marketing > Funnel section in your Kajabi dashboard.
  2. Choose the Simple Sales Page Funnel template to begin.
  3. Access the funnel customization screen from your Kajabi dashboard.
  4. Hover over each page to view tips on using the auto-generated content effectively.
  5. Customize each page according to your brand and marketing strategy, similar to customizing a landing page with Kajabi Pages.

While funnel templates provide pre-built landing pages and email copy, you have the flexibility to tailor them to your specific business needs. You can add landing pages, reorder them, and track your funnel's performance—all from one convenient location.

 By mastering building funnels on Kajabi, you can create a seamless user experience that guides your audience toward making informed purchasing decisions.


Making a Test Purchase

Now that you've configured your marketing settings and selected a funnel template, it's crucial to ensure that your purchasing process is seamless. Before you launch your offers to the public, it's essential to ensure everything is functioning smoothly. Let's walk through the process of creating a test purchase on Kajabi:

Creating a Test Purchase in Kajabi:

Before making your offers available to the public, it's essential to test your purchase process to ensure a seamless experience for your customers and allows you to identify and address any potential issues before going live. Follow these steps to create a test purchase on Kajabi:

  1. Clear your browser's cache and cookies or use a private/incognito window.
  2. Navigate to the Sales tab in your Kajabi dashboard and select the offer you want to test.
  3. Click on the "Get Link" option in the Offer Status card to generate the checkout link.
  4. Open an incognito window and paste the checkout link.
  5. Proceed through the checkout process as if you were a customer, using valid payment information.

After completing the purchase (or signing up for a free offer), you'll receive an email containing a login link to access the purchased product(s).

By conducting test purchases, you can instill confidence in your sales process and ensure a seamless experience for your customers, setting the stage for a successful product launch.


To ensure accurate testing and avoid potential issues, follow these best practices:

  • Always use the offer link (not the preview link) when testing the purchase.
  • Use a different browser or incognito/private window for testing to prevent interference from logged-in admin sessions.
  • Avoid testing in preview mode, as it will not allow you to complete the purchase.
  • Use a separate email address specifically for testing purposes to receive relevant emails.
  • When testing as an existing customer, ensure you're not logged in as that user to simulate a new transaction accurately.

By following these best practices, you can conduct thorough testing of your purchasing process and identify any potential issues before making your offers available to your audience.

Congratulations! You've mastered Kajabi's marketing settings, funnel templates, and test purchase processes. With this knowledge, you're ready to take your online business to new heights. Whether you're already an entrepreneur or just starting, Kajabi empowers you to create, market, and sell your products and services with ease.

If you haven’t given Kajabi a try yet, I’ve got something special just for you. Instead of the regular 14-day free trial, you can enjoy an extended 30-day trial by using my affiliate link, By signing up through my link, you'll also receive my exclusive Kajabi Kickstart course as a gift from me. When you continue using Kajabi as a paying user through my link, email me your receipt and I’ll book a 1:1 strategy success session to help you scale your business while using Kajabi. Sign up now at, you may find the link in the description.

  • Ready to supercharge your online business with Kajabi? Sign up for a 30-day extended trial using my affiliate link:

  •  Want to take your course creation journey to the next level? Join my 7-day Create & Launch Your Course Challenge at

  •  Need personalized assistance and expert guidance to maximize your results with Kajabi? Schedule a call with me and my team at

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